The Benefits of HGH Products?

7/10/2008 3:39:24 PM
HGH actually has many benefits. People who use HGH products report increased energy and endurance. Research also shows that HGH products may lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, boost bone density, reverse the signs of skin aging and help stop people from developing type two diabetes.
Nevertheless, HGH products have garnered a lot of bad press. If you are worried about HGH side effects there are several things you can do to help your body synthesize more human growth hormone naturally. Human growth hormone is a secreted by a glad in the brain called the anterior pituitary. If you want your anterior pituitary gland to produce more HGH you should ensure you get enough sleep, avoid stress and work out regularly. You can also amend your diet to coax your body into making more of the stuff. Eat several small meals per day. Avoid eating sugary foods whenever possible. Eat fish, chicken or another high protein food a couple of hours before you work out. Ensure that you never eat a heavy meal directly before you go to bed.
If you follow the above guidelines your anterior pituitary gland should produce more human growth hormone, and you will start noticing the difference to your overall health. Now do you understand why we start having problems when we getting old ?
The secretion of this hormone starts reducing by the time we are in our 30′s and as we grow older, the pituitary gland produces lesser and lesser of this most important hormone.
The level of secretion is highest in our early childhood. It peaks during puberty when there is a growth spurt.

The levels of secretion continue to decline throughout our adult life. This?decrease in the levels of HGH is what may cause us to look old, have problems like diabetes, depression, loss of energy, loss of muscle mass and every other problem associated with aging.

I know what is going on in your mind, that increasing the HGH levels in the body will make you look young and feel healthy again.
If we go by theory, HGH is the miracle that brings back your youth. Is it the fountain of youth that we humans were waiting for, for thousands of years?
Just imagine, all the wrinkles gone and the spring is back in your step, not to mention the fatless body, and the exuberance of mind.
In the market today, there are several options available to induce HGH into your body.

There are the HGH injections, oral sprays, natural supplements, that claim to increase the HGH levels in your body.
Let me give you an understanding of how these methods work.
The HGH Injection? HGH injections are a synthetic substance injected into your body. These injections are typically taken two or three times a day and are very expensive. A single injection may cost as high as $25.

You would end up spending as much as $75 per day. So, using that for 30 days will take your expenditure up to above $2000 per month. These are prescription medications that are not available over-the-counter. Insurance companies don’t cover the cost of these drugs.

Since this lab produced HGH injections are synthetic, I don’t need to tell you that there could be side effects associated with this, just as they are with anything that is synthetic. So, expenses and side effects don’t make this a viable alternative.

HGH Oral Sprays? Scientifically, there is no proof that these sprays work. Growth hormone according to studies does not have the capability of passing through the membranes of the mouth. I guess, this makes it another option less for you to look at.

Natural HGH Releasers– Studies have shown that this method is indeed effective in increasing the levels of HGH in our bodies. These are very much like the vitamins and are taken in tablet form. They need to be taken just before going to bed, as the pituitary gland is most active during sleep.

These are claimed to be?100% natural with no synthetic substances, as they are made from a combination of herbs. These herbs activate the pituitary gland and in turn the pituitary gland produces more HGH.

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